Christopher Wool

Christopher Wool (b. 1955) was born in Chicago and now lives and works in New York. He?is one of the most recognised abstract painters working today. His influential method and practice has dramatically evolved throughout his?career. Over the years, he has developed a number of signature techniques; interested in the visual representation of language and colour through abstraction, he is best known for his graphic black and white word paintings.He has consistently questioned painting as a medium by deliberately removing himself from historical conventions, and uses the process of painting as a vehicle for critique from within. What persists in his experimental work is a willingness to confront the ongoing dislocations and tensions between the configuration and the representational dimensions of the artistic process. The result is a refusal, which is as much political as it is aesthetic, of the agreeable synthesis of configuration and representation in classical art theory.
Source :
Number of evaluations: 2
Concept: 70.00
Artwork: 70.00
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 70.00
Relevancia Sociedad: 70.00
Pure Taste indicator: 66.91
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 3,894.92 Euros