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Fernando Holguin Cereceres 5537 (b.Chihuahua México, 1967) lives in London since 1995.
Multidisciplinary Portraying humanity
I am a contemporary British artist, originally from Mexico,who works with any media. my paintings,
photographs and installations, explore the sense of our time and the transcendence of the human
being. My artistic career includes over thirty-five years of creativity. I live and work in London and
have exhibited in both Europe and America.
With little to non self promotion, minimum to making money, years long silence, with many works
done that never shown to anybody, sincerely involved with my artwork and processes.
I create art for the joy of doing it and not as a means to an end.
My work is about humanity and the relationship between people and social subjects, around current
social affairs and the human interaction.

I feel deeply inspired by humanity’s concerns with our increasingly globalized media-driven world
and the tribulation with in the rapidly advancing technological biosphere of today.

I push for my highest level of contribution to create work that meets a significant need in the world.
I play with the idea and develop a concept until the media manifest itself. I find the imagines for my
work from my daily life and environment, these can be photographed or sketched in real time or
drawn from my imagination and dreams.
I want the audience to find a little joy in their life, by detaching themselves from materialistic and
consumerist ideas of happiness. finding beauty in everyday scenarios of ordinary life.
My work is contemporary conceptual art with a poetic and humanitarian view in a mixed media and
or multidisciplinary format with my take on neo-expressionist style.
2018-2019 Turps banana, Turps Art School, London, UK
1995-2005 Several courses of Visual Studies, Central Saint Martin, London
1990 University of Chihuahua, Mexico Opt-out.
2019 First place MX-UK ‘Camaradas’ 2018-2019 London
1996 Finalist -Winsor and Newton, Young Artist of the Year Award.

Talks and lectures

XVII Symposium of Mexican studies in the UK2019
Cambridge University painting presentation 28h June ‘la nueva division’(the new division)

Other important events and mentions

First prize \'Camaradas UKMEX 2019 with The join installation won the first prize:
Nicholas Jolly and 5537 Fernando Holguin Cereceres
Title of work:
“Weeping and Laughing Mujeres”