About this referendum

Trough this referendum you will evaluate the quality of the work of an artist. The result of this I called the “pure taste” indicator. The “pure taste” indicator is an evaluation of the quality of the work of an artist, without hidden variables used in the current art market to speculate with it.
With the results of this referendum and the “DHAdmann *Pure taste* indicator and cap-price formulas”, the *Pure* taste indicator of an artist will be calculated and published as soon the minimum quantity of evaluations are completed.

If you want to know more about this process and their mechanisms please click here


Artist presentation

American pioneer of Land art and Body art, born in Mason City, Washington. Studied at California College of Arts and Crafts, andStanford University. Impressed by Kienholz, but reacted against his work c.1965. After a visit to New York 1966-7, decided to abandon making objects. Settled in New York in 1967. From mid 1967 to 1969,concerned with increasingly large-scale earth-orientated projects, including the inscribing or transplanting of lines or material associated with one site onto a second site strikingly different from it, e.g. the tracing in snow on either side of the St John River, the frontier between Canada and the USA, of concentric circles corresponding to the annular rings ofa tree. First one-man exhibition in New York, of Ground Systems, at the John Gibson Gallery 1968. Began in 1969 to use his own body as material by subjecting it to wounds, pressures, sunburn etc., sometimes as an investigation of biological processes.
Source :http://www.rogallery.com/Oppenheim_Dennis/oppenheim-biography.htmhttp://www.rogallery.com/Oppenheim_Dennis/oppenheim-biography.htm
Dennis Oppenheim

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