Reg Evaluator

Evaluator website

I am a 28 years old professional artist who studied fine arts, a Bachelor at the ECAV in Sierre and a Master at the IKU/HGK/FHNW, Basel. The Master ended with an exhibition at the Kunsthalle in Basel named "Every contact leaves a trace"curated by Chus Martinez where I presented my diploma's work, a multi media installation "Field of mutations" reuniting found objects, drawings, clay sculptures and a video around the blurry notion of "becoming". I am now living and working in Basel, keeping up my artistic research and productions and looking for opportunities to exhibit, share my works, collaborate, etc. The Foundation François Schneider in Alsace just nominated me for the year's open call for artists whose work enters in relation with water and selected me for a two months residency in the next months of may-june. My artistic approach embrasses many diverse technics and is led by a line of reflection around modes of beings, circulations of energies, relationship to oneself, the others and the surrounding. Under its metaphysical, psychological and spiritual contents, there is the place for a political involvement which, for me, is implied into the domain's of reflection just mentioned. It contains a meta level where it is interested into delivering something from the creation's processes themselves wether they're part of the existence of any human being or the artistic activity and production.