About this referendum

Trough this referendum you will evaluate the quality of the work of an artist. The result of this I called the “pure taste” indicator. The “pure taste” indicator is an evaluation of the quality of the work of an artist, without hidden variables used in the current art market to speculate with it.
With the results of this referendum and the “DHAdmann *Pure taste* indicator and cap-price formulas”, the *Pure* taste indicator of an artist will be calculated and published as soon the minimum quantity of evaluations are completed.

If you want to know more about this process and their mechanisms please click here


Artist presentation

Juan Usl? was born in San?tander, Cantabria, Spain, in 1954 and he lives and works between New York and Saro, Cantabria, Spain. He has been show?ing on the inter?na?tional art scene for the last 30 years, he rep?re?sented Spain in the 51 Venice Bien?nale, Italy; par?tic?i?pated in the Istan?bul Bien?nial, Turkey, the Sao Paulo Bien?nial, Brazil, and in Doc?u?menta Kas?sel, Ger?many. He has shown, among many oth?ers, at Kun?st?mu?seum Bonn, Ger?many; Ser?ralves Museum, Por?tu?gal; MACBA, Barcelona; MNCARS, Madrid; SMAK, Ghent, Bel?gium; MUDAM, Lux?em?bourg; Kun?sthalle Emden, Ger?many; MARTa Her?ford Museum, Her?ford, Ger?many; MMOMA, Moscow; Seong?nam Arts Cen?ter, South Korea; IMMA Irish Museum of Mod?ern Art, Dublin; CAC Cen?tro de Arte Con?tem?por??neo, Malaga; Fun?daci? Su?ol, Barcelona; CAAC, Sevilla; CGAC, San?ti?ago de Com?postela and CAAM, Las Pal?mas de Gran Canaria.http://www.looklateral.com/en/artist/juan-usle/
Juan Usle

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