Serge Serum

Serge Serum is a self taught Los Angeles based artist who does not scare easily when it comes to the complexities of the human psyche. Using reality as a springboard, he “makes a scene” of the ordinary by distorting peoples’ likenesses, in both his painted portraiture and outrageous photographs. His work has a curiously chaotic, and yet grounded feel to it. Often employing the use of heavy brushstrokes next to delicate details, powerful warm colors next to soft neutrals. Serge endows a feeling of ease in existing within what seems to be a messy actuality. The bold style facilitates a sort of fill-in-the-blanks dialogue with viewers that are captivating. His photographs are far from unclear, though, with almost startlingly bright colors draping his subjects, who appear incredibly confident and comfortable in their costume-esque garb
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Artist in Demarchy process
