Annette Messager

Annette Messager was born in Berck-sur-Mer, France, in 1943. As a child, she was encouraged to pursue art by her father, an amateur painter, who took Messager and her brother to nearby churches to see stained-glass windows and altarpieces. From 1962 to 1966, she studied at the ?cole Nationale Sup?rieure des Arts D?coratifs in Paris, where she produced Surrealist-style sculptures. In 1961, Messager won the grand prize in an international competition sponsored by Kodak after her mother entered one of her early photographs. In 1964, Messager traveled to Asia purchasing a camera in Hong Kong, she took photographs there and during her travels in Japan, the Philippines, Cambodia, India, and Israel. The following year, she visited Nepal and Ceylon, and the United States soon after.
Source :
Number of evaluations: 3
Concept: 91.67
Artwork: 97.00
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 93.67
Relevancia Sociedad: 92.00
Pure Taste indicator: 84.75
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 5,174.68 Euros