Chuck Close
Chuck Close is an American painter who rose to fame as a photorealist with his large-scale, intricate portraits of the human face. He is a highly creative person known for his extraordinary artistic abilities and inventive techniques which have made him one of the most innovative artists of the contemporary times. A major figure of the painting movement of Photorealism which emerged during the 1970s, he is credited to have made the genre of photorealism an artistic medium in its own right. By effortlessly blurring the distinction between photography and painting, he has created several magnificent works of art which are much sought after by museums and collectors. Born as the son of artistically inclined parents, he too developed an early interest in the arts. He suffered from severe dyslexia as a child and sought solace in art and soon realized that he was blessed with a high degree of creativity and artistic abilities. He studied at Academy of Fine Arts Vienna before embarking on his career and eventually turned his attention towards photorealism. Throughout his life he has been plagued by ill health and suffers from several medical conditions. However, his illnesses have never been able to thwart his ambitions as a painter and he continues to be one of the most influential contemporary artists
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Number of evaluations: 3
Concept: 45.67
Artwork: 37.33
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 44.00
Relevancia Sociedad: 44.00
Pure Taste indicator: 40.15
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 2,336.95 Euros