David Reed

Born in 1946 San Diego, CaliforniaCurrently lives and works in New York EDUCATION1968Reed College, Portland, Oregon, Bachelor of Arts degree1967 New York Studio School, New York1966Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, Maine AWARDS AND GRANTS2001Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Kunstf?rderpreis f?r Malerei Skowhegan Medal for Painting1991National Endowment for the Arts, Visual Arts Fellowship
Source :http://peterblumgallery.com/artists/david-reed/biography
Number of evaluations: 1
Concept: 65.00
Artwork: 40.00
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 35.00
Relevancia Sociedad: 32.00
Pure Taste indicator: 40.15
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 2,392.59 Euros