Gerhard Richter

Gerhard Richter was born to Horst and Hildegard Richter in Dresden on February 9, 1932. Having married the year before, Gerhard was their first child, with a daughter, Gisela, arriving in 1936. Horst Richter, with whom Gerhard did not have a close relationship, was a teacher at a secondary school in Dresden.1 Hildegard was a bookseller and, like her father, a talented pianist. She was passionate about literature, and passed on her enthusiasm and knowledge to the young Gerhard. They were, in many respects, an average middle-class family. In an interview with Robert Storr Richter described his early family life as "simple, orderly, structured ? mother playing the piano and the father earning money"
Source :
Number of evaluations: 8
Concept: 77.50
Artwork: 80.13
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 82.38
Relevancia Sociedad: 77.38
Pure Taste indicator: 71.37
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 4,395.69 Euros