Jean-Marc Bustamante

Jean-Marc Bustamante (French, b.1952) is a renowned photographer and painter, especially in Europe. His work presents a perfect synthesis of past experiences and artistic visual language. His recent Plexiglas paintings explore concepts of light and color to depict visual landscapes with a strong appeal and poetical impact. Bustamante was born in Toulouse, France. He worked with photographer William Klein in the 1970s. His series of photos on different parts of Barcelona, called Tableaux, revolutionized the perception of photography as a medium of artistic expression in France. The Tableaux is recognized as a creative combination of photography and painting.
Number of evaluations: 1
Concept: 78.00
Artwork: 77.00
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 62.00
Relevancia Sociedad: 69.00
Pure Taste indicator: 66.91
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 3,950.56 Euros