Yehudit Mizrahi Dar

“Just as none of us is outside or beyond geography, none of us is completely free from the struggle over geography. That struggle is complex and interesting because it is not only about soldiers and cannons but also about ideas, about forms, about images and imaginings.” (Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism: 1999:7) As an immigrant, Arab, atheist Jew, Yemenite-Israeli woman, and as an Amsterdam based artist, I have been confronted with cultural appropriation and transformative cunningness of interpretations. Embodying pluralisms in its essence, positions me and my art practice between constant deconstruction of homogeneous cultural constructs and interrogations of discrepancies within social and intimate domains. My art practice utilizes space as material for determining and establishing parameters between pure formalism and unique sensibility of individual spectatorship. Space, in this case, serves as a mediator in relation to ideas, forms and observations. The notion of identity plays a crucial role in my artistic investigation, foreignness, interculturality, gender-politics and the idea of selfhood in relation to the social environment, are all central points which I am engaged in. My practice is directed towards dismantling representations of ideological symbolism within the aesthetics and precariousness of visual language. Sound installations, collages, assemblage and kinetic art are the forms in which I articulate my creative practice the most. Movement, in this case, reveals subtle needs to question and transcend predetermined socio-cultural conditions. The restlessness of kinetic art is proportional to the inherent alertness of the living body. The representation of the world, dependent on perspectives and positions that we as entities recognize and construct as absolute truth. My practice seeks to explore boundaries and prospects that go beyond idealized ideas of truth proposing mediative concepts that may provide interminable interpretations.
Number of evaluations: 0
Artist in Demarchy process
