Timo Herbst

My current artistic projects explore the choreography of everyday life and the meanings and consequences that bodily movements in space have for society as well as the private person. I work with various artistic materials, but I primarily use drawing and videography as two different media to study time, space, and motion. For instance, to express movement in my drawings, I sketch my subjects on both sides of several sheets of translucent paper, depicting multiple images of a particular object or body part – a hand, a conductor’s baton – as if it is moving in a stream of motion across the page. I then layer the sheets of paper together into a single composition. These drawings work like storyboards, but because of the complexity of the movements, the process depicted is not completely ascertainable, the motion remains opaque, and the representation diverges from a strict linear chronology. I then started exploring how embodied movements generate disparate meanings in the spheres of art (my own environment/milieu as an artist), the private sphere of everyday life, and the public sphere of political action by doing video performances and videoinstallations focussing on daily and political events. My video “Taking Place”(excample artwork 1) is a good example of how I work with interstitial spaces, as it shows both the “division of space” and the transgression of spatial boundaries through gestures, on one hand, and the shifting, unstable meanings of gestures when performed in disparate spaces, on the other hand. The resulting ambivalences and contradictions that are characteristic of gestures have become an important theme to me, because in my opinion the most significant questions of human society possess a core complexity and ambiguity. One fundamental question might be: How do I create a way of living that feels secure and at the same time permits constant change, that is capable transforming itself, a life that can be fragile, impermanent and therefore alterable.
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Artist in Demarchy process
