Neno Belchev

In my art works, I work in my own direction. My task as an artist is to look through the cover of things in their real essence. To provoke the people to see how of front of their own eyes their own world is changing. For me the art is a form of communication with other people and the artists has in their hands the art as a tool, in which the opportunity to provoke and change the thinking of the others is hidden. I “say” seemingly well-known truths and facts, but by matching them with contradictory but very strong visual elements, which if considered at one level, seem to be in conflict with one another both ideologically and visually, but the appearance of these contradictory elements change the meaning deep in its roots and make it multileveled. As a result of it, I achieve multilevel message with strong irrational impact, which does not have to be considered by using logical thinking. The art is beyond the direct message.
Number of evaluations: 0
Artist in Demarchy process
