HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig Transcorporealities

csm_2_Kubaparis_714ad839ccSeptem­ber 21, 2019 – Jan­uary 19, 2020 Open­ing: Fri­day, Septem­ber 20, 2019, 7 p.m. (with a per­for­mance by Tra­jal Har­rell at 8.30 p.m.) Par­ti­ci­pat­ing artists: Jesse Dar­ling, Fla­ka Hal­i­ti, Tra­jal Har­rell, Paul Ma­heke, Nick Mauss, Park McArthur, Os­car Muril­lo, Son­dra Per­ry The ex­hi­bi­tion Tran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ties re­flects on the mu­se­um as a perme­able body in which vari­ous bi­o­log­i­cal, so­cial, tech­no­log­i­cal, po­lit­i­cal, and eco­nom­ic sys­tems flow in­to each other. Like all hu­man and non­hu­man en­ti­ties, it en­gages in per­pe­t­u­al metabolic pro­cess­es with its en­vi­ron­ment. Against this back­drop, the ex­hi­bi­tion ac­ti­vates an area in the mu­se­um that is free­ly ac­ces­si­ble and opens to­ward the ur­ban space with its trans­par­ent façades and glass doors on two sides: the foy­er. As a tran­si­tio­n­al space it forms a kind of mem­brane—on the one hand to pro­tect the sen­si­tive in­n­er life of the in­sti­tu­tion from ex­ter­nal in­flu­ences, and on the other hand to open its pores to the en­vi­ron­ment and thus al­low it to breathe. The art­works act di­rect­ly on the space, cre­ate new mi­cro-ar­chi­tec­tures, in­cor­po­rate the ex­ist­ing fa­cil­i­ties, or trace paths that run through the col­lec­tion and fur­ther medi­ums the mu­se­um em­ploys to reach its au­di­ence. The works are im­mer­sive, pro­ces­su­al, or per­for­ma­tive. Some de­lib­er­ate­ly re­sist ma­te­rial tan­gi­bil­i­ty. With his large-scale in­s­tal­la­tion of bleach­ers invit­ing the vis­i­tors to take a seat be­tween life-size fig­ures, Os­car Muril­lo cre­ates an ago­ra si­t­u­a
Number of evaluations: 1
Concept: 0.00
Artwork: 80.00
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 0.00
Relevancia Sociedad: 0.00
Pure Taste indicator: 93.67
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 5,564.17 Euros


dhadmann ( )