HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig Transcorporealities
SeptemÂber 21, 2019 – JanÂuary 19, 2020
OpenÂing: FriÂday, SeptemÂber 20, 2019, 7 p.m. (with a perÂforÂmance by TraÂjal HarÂrell at 8.30 p.m.)
ParÂtiÂciÂpatÂing artists: Jesse DarÂling, FlaÂka HalÂiÂti, TraÂjal HarÂrell, Paul MaÂheke, Nick Mauss, Park McArthur, OsÂcar MurilÂlo, SonÂdra PerÂry
The exÂhiÂbiÂtion TranÂsÂcorÂpoÂreÂalÂiÂties reÂflects on the muÂseÂum as a permeÂable body in which variÂous biÂoÂlogÂiÂcal, soÂcial, techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal, poÂlitÂiÂcal, and ecoÂnomÂic sysÂtems flow inÂto each other. Like all huÂman and nonÂhuÂman enÂtiÂties, it enÂgages in perÂpeÂtÂuÂal metabolic proÂcessÂes with its enÂviÂronÂment.
Against this backÂdrop, the exÂhiÂbiÂtion acÂtiÂvates an area in the muÂseÂum that is freeÂly acÂcesÂsiÂble and opens toÂward the urÂban space with its transÂparÂent façades and glass doors on two sides: the foyÂer. As a tranÂsiÂtioÂnÂal space it forms a kind of memÂbrane—on the one hand to proÂtect the senÂsiÂtive inÂnÂer life of the inÂstiÂtuÂtion from exÂterÂnal inÂfluÂences, and on the other hand to open its pores to the enÂviÂronÂment and thus alÂlow it to breathe. The artÂworks act diÂrectÂly on the space, creÂate new miÂcro-arÂchiÂtecÂtures, inÂcorÂpoÂrate the exÂistÂing faÂcilÂiÂties, or trace paths that run through the colÂlecÂtion and furÂther mediÂums the muÂseÂum emÂploys to reach its auÂdiÂence. The works are imÂmerÂsive, proÂcesÂsuÂal, or perÂforÂmaÂtive. Some deÂlibÂerÂateÂly reÂsist maÂteÂrial tanÂgiÂbilÂiÂty.
With his large-scale inÂsÂtalÂlaÂtion of bleachÂers invitÂing the visÂiÂtors to take a seat beÂtween life-size figÂures, OsÂcar MurilÂlo creÂates an agoÂra siÂtÂuÂaÂ
Number of evaluations: 1
Concept: 0.00
Artwork: 80.00
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 0.00
Relevancia Sociedad: 0.00
Pure Taste indicator: 93.67
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 5,564.17 Euros