Dieter Appelt

Dieter Appelt was born in 1935 in Niemegk, Germany. His academic career began in 1954 with music and vocal studies. In 1959, Appelt decided to move from East Berlin to the west of the city. It wasn?t until then that he began to study photography and become devoted to the more experimental realm of art. He did, however, continue his career as a singer and performed as a member in the choir of the Opera in Berlin.As a photographer, painter and sculptor, he began to make a name for himself with his first solo exhibitions in 1974 and, subsequently, worked as an visual artist.
Number of evaluations: 1
Concept: 3.00
Artwork: 2.00
Relevancia Mundo del Arte: 4.00
Relevancia Sociedad: 5.00
Pure Taste indicator: 4.46
Cap-price of an original artwork A4 size: 166.93 Euros