The top and trendy news give the opportunity to companies, institutions, influencers, etc. to gain something (profits, image, followers, likes, etc.) pretending that they concern about what the public expect to see from them. Now with the trendy topic of „Black lives matter“ everybody is now concerned about equality and diversity and I personally read in many news of the art world, directors of companies like Artnet or Artsy, or many museums questioning how we can do about it? Let’s include more black people in our personal, let’s give preference to the black people offering discounts, etc. But as soon as will come other trendy news the focus will move to other topic. I can not tell it more loudly than that „Things will not change until the main decisions are taken by a few and until these fewleave the control to a wider and diverse number of people.“
We create ODBK with this purpose (that is currently taking the attention of millions): we work to build a model for the art world where equality, diversity and democracy are the base. We are not taking this trendy topic to sit at a table and discuss what we can do about it. We were born with this purpose. And if you are really convinced to make a true change in the art world, come join us and help us to make that change real.